Agriturismo a Vendicari


envenuto ad AgriMaccari, il nostro agriturismo a conduzione familiare nel cuore della Sicilia barocca circondato da scenari naturali mozzafiato.

Infatti da anni ospitiamo viaggiatori in cerca di tranquillità e avventure, cui aggiungiamo il sapore autentico della vera Sicilia.

Quindi inizia a programmare il tuo soggiorno da sogno!

L'asina di Agrimaccari

La nostra


La nostra


Venite a rilassarvi nella nostra piscina in mezzo agli ulivi

Piscina AgriMaccari
Venite a scoprire la nostra fattoria, con animali e orto biologico

Vi aspettiamo Venite a trovarci

Ricaricati con gli aromi e i suoni della campagna siciliana.
Prenota subito
Nonna Pinuccia - Lezioni di cucina ad Agrimaccari

Almeno secondo noi

La migliore cucina del mondo

Impara a cucinare come un vero siciliano
cogliendo i segreti di Nonna Pinuccia.

Questo è il miglior modo di scoprire Agrimaccari!





Siamo presenti su Sicilia Vacanza

Il libro degli ospiti

Giusi and her husband hosted me and my partner in their beautiful country house in Pachino for one night. They made us taste some really amazing local pastry,wine and pasta. They were really nice and welcoming and even gave us a ride the next day to the highway. Guisi is an amazing painter and showed us her paintings at her place downtown Pachino where we were first… Thanks so much for everything and hosting us at your place. Take good care and hope to see you again someday!!!


Benjamin Nerding

Grazie per l’ospitalità e per il bel giro che ci siam fatte in notturna.Giusi sei molto più bella dal vero, rispetto alla foto del profilo. Forza e coraggio per i tuoi nuovi intenti!

Elisabetta Pini

Da Giusi ci si sente parte della famiglia, passata la staffa rossa l’atmosfera cambia e da terra brulla se entra in un oasi: “L’Oasi Novello” Grazie di cuore per avermi fatta stare così bene!

Simona Ghielmi

Giusy e Roberto sono 2 persone amabilissime e di spirito. Molto interessanti e molto disponibili, è stato un vero piacere essere loro ospiti. Ci hanno ospitato per 2 notti nello loro bellissima casa di campagna in mezzo straordinaria e meraviglisamente aspra natura del sud Sicilia.

Augusto Cipriani

We stayed at AgriMaccari in June 2016 and we liked it so much we came back again in September. Giusi and Roberto are very welcoming, rooms are very nice and its in the perfect spot to explore an amazing area of Sicily.

Alan and Sarah

Alan and Sarah, Your Content Goes Here

We learnt to make tortellini with Nonna Pinnucia – she made it look easy- and Ricotta with Giusi. Great fun and can’t wait make them when we get back. Let’s hope they taste as good as yours.

Sarah and Alan

Sarah and Alan, Your Content Goes Here

It was really great arriving at and being with Giusi and Roberto during our mini cycling trip of Southern Sicily. Giusi is such a kind and curious lady, it was a pleasure spending the evening together. I will never forget picking ripe figs and peaches straight from the tree for breakfast: thank you for a wonderful experience. Come to Birmingham any time and be my guests!


Giusi is a very friendly and warm person! She hosted us for one night in Pachino. We got a comfortably appartament only for us. Next day she took us by car for a trip along the seaside and showed us Marzamemi, Portopalo, sicilian countryside and tomato plantation :) It all was very interesting and picturesque! She was telling us a lot of facts about her region. We felt very good in her company!:) In the end, Giusi and her husband Roberto took us for a delicious sicilian dinner to Giusi’s parents – we had very family time there! :) Thank you for your wonderful hospitality!!! We wish to host you in Poland :)

Daria and Maciek, Your Content Goes Here

Soggiornato da Giusi – Positive
Giusi y Roberto hosted me for 6 awesome days in their beautiful country house.
They are such great persons. Also i got to know a big part of their family. All very nice people.
To cut a long story short I have to use a strong word… They become friends. I hope we see again.

Markus Kloth

We found Giusy and Roberto’s place by coincidence when we were in search of a campsite in this area. No camping we have seen in Sicily during our 3 week trip compares to what we found here. Not only are all facilities clean and new, and is there a great swimmingpool, but we were welcomed by this couple as if we were family and treated like royalty!


Giusi ha piu’ energia di un vulcano in eruzione e riesce a trasmetterla agli altri con estrema efficacia, persuasione e positivita’:-) E’ stato un vero piacere trascorrere una serata con lei e la sua famiglia, spero di riincontrarvi presto!

Silvia Danise

Soggiornato da Giusi – Positive
Giusi and Roberto hosted me last minute and I was really lucky that it happened. They are really kind people, enthusiastic, curious and happy to help you to discover the sicilian culture. Also I was impressed by their wonderful project of camping with bio agriculture in their « campagna ». They have many great ideas like this… It was a big pleasure to meet them and I hope this will happen again :) Grazie mille e arrivederci!

January 2015

Marion Autin

Giusy ci ha accolto a casa sua a braccia aperte presentandoci la sua famiglia e amici; sebbene non abbiamo avuto modo di passare molto tempo insieme la sensazione era come se ci conoscessimo da tanto tempo.

Daniele Lucetto